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The Little Things

Help Us Support Families During Their Most Difficult Times 

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Families who travel to Ronald McDonald House Charities in Omaha are facing extremely uncomfortable situations. Their child is sick, in an unfamiliar city, unsure of how to handle it all. But when they walk in our doors, they can find comfort in the 
little things.

Our community provides those little things and more, which allows our families to focus on the big things, like healing together. That’s how, in this House, the little things make the biggest difference.

Ronald McDonald, photo

A home-cooked meal after a long day in the hospital. Snuggling by the fireplace and reading a book before bedtime. Knowing that even in the direst of circumstances, they’re not facing them alone.

As a support arm of Omaha-area hospitals, RMHC provides 40 family guest rooms and more than 14,600 lodging nights annually inclusive of warm beds, hot showers, meals, laundry facilities, family-friendly kitchens, playrooms, and a playground—all the basic essentials of home. 

Ronald McDonald, photo

Additionally, RMHC provides wrap-around services delivered by community partners such as a hair salon, financial support, educational programming, mindfulness and yoga, birthday celebrations, a House therapy dog, as well as healing through the arts. These activities are designed to promote hope and healing through ongoing engagement and participation. The cost to provide our services is approximately $120 per night, per family. Families are asked to donate $20 per night, but no family is ever turned away due to an inability to contribute.

To learn more about the House, please watch the videos using the link below:

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620 South 38th Ave. Omaha, NE 68105  |  402.346.9377  |

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